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Mental Health Resources for Parents, Young Children & Teens

​Did you know...?

  • 1 in 6 U.S. youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder each year

  • 50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14, and 75% by age 24

  • Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10-14

Learning about mental health and addressing concerns at a young age can prevent years of suffering down the road. It really it Ok to Talk About It!

3 совета по профилактике

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Visit the Child Mind Institute website for more helpful resources, tools, articles and videos. 

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On Our Sleeves - Get free guides designed to provide education and action-oriented strategies and tools to start conversations and boost mental wellness in children. Visit their website.

Childhood Anxiety Part 2:  Help your child cope
Childhood Anxiety Part 1:  Signs & Symptoms
Kids Running

3 совета по профилактике

Young Kids

Детская йога для психического здоровья


Gizmo 4 Mental Health

Children's book and resources

little monster.webp

View all elementary school mental health  skills videos here.

View all middle school mental health  skills videos here.

3 совета по профилактике


3 совета по профилактике

Crisis Support

Вы также можете подготовиться, пройдя тренинг по предотвращению самоубийств «Вопрос, убеждение, обращение» (QPR).


Зарегистрируйтесь на предстоящее обучение .


local resources
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The Hub: Организация действий в области поведенческого здоровья для Юго-Западной Коннектикута

Подразделение Регионального молодежного партнерства социальных действий для взрослых (RYASAP).  

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