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Vaping & The Great Smokeout

Today is the 44th "Great American Smokeout," sponsored annually by the American Cancer Society (ACS) to encourage Americans to quit smoking tobacco.

ACS efforts to reduce smoking over the past 5 decades have led to a 2/3 decline in cigarette smoking among adults--cause for celebration! However, 34 million adults still smoke, and smoking has started to rise again in some of our communities. Vaping is now prevalent among adults and youth, with about 30% of CT teens reporting that they vaped in the past month.

In support of #TheGreatSmokeout, let's encourage one another to spread the word about the risks of nicotine in all forms--traditional cigarettes and vapes--as well as to educate ourselves, our families, and youth on the dangers and its ultimate effects on lives. If you use tobacco products, challenge yourself to a smoke-free day! For the latest information on vaping, please check out our video on Vaping: What You Need to Know.

For access to this and to many more resources (education, quitting, support), please visit our Nicotine/Vaping page.

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The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT

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