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National Prescription Take Back Day October 26, 2019

The next National Prescription Drug Take Back Day will be October 26, 2019 from 10am - 2pm.

The DEA’s Take Back Day events provide an opportunity for Americans to prevent drug addiction and overdose deaths. It's time to "spring" clean your medicine cabinet.

Now, for the first time, DEA will also accept vaping devices and cartridges at any of its drop off locations during Take Back Day. DEA cannot accept devices containing lithium ion batteries. If batteries cannot be removed prior to drop-off, DEA encourages individuals to consult with stores that recycle lithium ion batteries.


The April 2019 Take Back Day brought in 8,362 pounds of unused or expired prescription medication in CT. This brings the total amount of prescription drugs collected by DEA since the fall of 2010 to 107,284 pounds.


Follow The Hub on Facebook and share our videos on this important topic!

Also, check out the DEA's official Take Back Day website for more information.

To find events near you, check out our flyer below.

If you can't make the event, no worries!

Below are locations where the drop boxes are 24/7.

Don't be the dealer! The opioid epidemic affects all of us.

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