The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organisation for Southwestern CT
Una divisione del Partenariato Regionale per l'Azione Sociale Giovani Adulti (RYASAP)
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L'alcol è la sostanza più utilizzata e abusata nel paese. Il consumo di alcol negli ultimi mesi è più alto nel Southwest CT rispetto al resto dello stato, che è già superiore ai tassi nazionali.
Fare clic sul grafico qui sotto per saperne di più sull'alcol nel sud-ovest del CT
Did you know, cannabis today is now stronger than ever? Research shows that many common forms of today's cannabis can have over three times the amount of THC, the psychoactive ingredient, compared to 25 years ago.
Click the graphic to learn more about marijuana in Southwestern CT
Learn about trends and the CT law.
Fatti sull'alcol

This includes hand rolled cigarettes, pipes/water pipes, and vaporizers that pull THC from cannabis.
Cannabis can be mixed in food, including candy, brownies, cookies, or mixed as tea.
Extracts can be smoked or eaten, and deliver large amounts of THC that can be more dangerous. Common extracts are budder, shatter, and oils.
Dab pens allow the user to vape concentrates, like budder, sauce, and shatter, all of which are extremely potent, resulting in an intense high. Using these high-potency products increases the person's chance of experiencing side effects, including hallucinations, nausea/vomiting, panic attacks and paranoia. Regular use of high-potency products increases the risk for developing psychosis and schizophrenia.
Effects of cannabis are different depending on how it is consumed. The effects of edible products happen much more slowly than if cannabis is smoked or vaped. It can take up to two hours to begin to feel the effects from an edible product and as long as 4 hours to feel the full effect. The intoxication effects from an edible product can last as long as 12 hours. Source

In Case You Missed It... These illegal, look-alike THC-filled snacks are being found in our state. Read Attorney General Tong's press release to find out what's being done.
Fatti sull'alcol

There are many effects of cannabis use on the body and brain, both short and long-term.
A pleasant euphoria
A sense of relaxation
Heightened sensory perception
Altered perception of time
Increased appetite
Some people may also experience anxiety, fear, or panic, and an acute psychosis
Breathing problems from smoking and vaping (coughing, wheezing, trouble with physical activity, and lung cancer)
Permanent IQ loss, as much as 8 point if use starts at an early age. IQ loss is irreversible; points will not come back even if use stops
Risk to mental health: studies link use to depression, anxiety, suicide, and psychotic episodes. Cannabis use can also increase risk of mood swings, paranoia, schizophrenia and other long lasting mental disorders.
Cannabis use disorder - You can become addicted to cannabis.
Too much cannabis can cause extreme sedation/ inability to move, anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, rapid heartbeat, or respiratory depression.
Fatti sull'alcol

The brain isn’t fully developed until the age of 25, and there are many negative effects of cannabis use to the developing brain.
Cannabis dulls attention, memory, and learning skills.
Students who use cannabis are more likely to drop out of high school and less likely to complete a college degree.
Use can also affect student athletes, by negatively impacting timing, movement, and coordination.
Difficulty thinking and problem solving
Difficulty paying attention
Lack of motivation
Increased irritability or aggression
Problems with learning and memory
Poor coordination
Decrease in sports performance

Driving under the influence of cannabis is just as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol.
It slows reaction time, causes lane weaving, decreases coordination, and makes it difficult to react to signals and sounds on the road.
Fatti sull'alcol
It is estimated that 3 in 10 people who use cannabis will develop cannabis use disorder, and the risk is higher if use starts at a young age. Regular cannabis use can lead to addiction.
Warning signs of developing Cannabis Use Disorder
Using more cannabis than intended
Craving it
Putting cannabis over friends/ family
Needing to use more to get the same high
Unable to quit
Using cannabis even if causing problems in your life, with work, school, or home life
Using in high risk situations, like driving
Having withdrawal symptoms if you stop using
Spending a lot of time using cannabis
Continuing to use despite physical health problems, psychological problems, or financial problems
Using in spite of social or relationship problems
Safe Storage & Disposal
Cannabis is toxic for young children and pets, and it is very important to store and dispose of it properly.
Out of sight, out of reach: Cannabis should be stored in a locked and secure place, such as a safe or lock box with a combination or key, and kept away from children and pets.
Keep in original packaging with labels, which provide important information regarding THC content. This is especially important for edible products that look like treats to kids.
Keep a list of all cannabis products you have in your home to help with medical treatment if accidently ingested

Any cannabis waste should be mixed with something to make it unusable, such as coffee grounds or kitty litter
The waste mixture should be in a sealed container, such as an empty yogurt cup, and thrown away in the regular trash.
Empty and clean containers should be recycled, if recyclable, or thrown in the trash if not recyclable.
Do not flush cannabis products or containers down the toilet or in the sink
Signs of Accidental Ingestions
Accidental ingestions occur when someone, typically kids or pets, ingests cannabis without knowing they are doing so.
In more serious cases, accidental ingestions in children can cause trouble breathing, seizures, and neurological problems. It is important to seek medical treatment immediately.
Signs of accidental ingestions
Sleepiness (common in children)
Problems with coordination
Higher than normal heart rate
Nausea and vomiting
Slurred speech
If the person is not breathing, unconscious or can't walk or sit up, call 911.
CT Law Regarding Cannabis Use
Cannabis use is legal in Connecticut for adults ages 21 and older.
Adults 21+ may possess up to 1.5 oz, and may store up to 5 oz in a locked container at home, or locked in a trunk or glove box during travel.
It is legal for medical cannabis patients to grow 3 mature and 3 immature plants, with a limit of 12 plants per household. The same rules will apply to those 21+ effective July 1 2023.
Remember- it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to buy, use, or possess cannabis, and it is illegal to bring across state lines.
Employers are allowed to prohibit the use of cannabis, even while off the clock.
All adults are responsible for any underage use of cannabis in their home, regardless of whether or not they are present when use occurs or aware of the use.
It is illegal to give anyone under the age of 21 cannabis, and doing so is a criminal offense, punishable by up to one year in prison.
Employers may continue to prohibit employees from possessing and/or using cannabis:
During work hours,
On employer premises, and/or
While using employer’s equipment.
If the employer has a written policy in effect, they may prohibit the use of cannabis and continue to drug-test applicants. (Some industries are exempt from needing a written policy.) Learn more.
Educational & Prevention Resources
Underage Cannabis Prevention & Awareness from Southeastern Regional Action Council.
Get the facts on Connecticut's cannabis laws, how cannabis impacts your health, guidelines for families, and signs of problem use. Visit website.
Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) is an alliance of organizations and individuals dedicated to a health-first approach to marijuana policy.
Microlearning Toolkit: Cannabis Prevention 101:
Brush up on your cannabis knowledge with this series of short lessons on cannabis and prevention! Each lesson consists of a 5-10 minute video followed by a brief quiz. Topics include the basic differences between THC, CBD and hemp, how drug screening and confirmation for cannabis works, the effects of cannabis consumption on road safety, and the role of prevention
in cannabis policy decisions.
Article: FDA Concludes that Existing Regulatory Frameworks for Foods and Supplements are Not Appropriate for Cannabidiol, Will Work with Congress on a New Way Forward
Article: Different Effects of Cannabis Abuse on Adolescent and Adult Brain
Get additional CT Cannabis Information & Educational Materials

Substance Use Prevention

It’s never too early to start a conversation with your children about cannabis.
Not sure how to start? Here are some tips:
Don’t worry about covering everything in one conversation. Have multiple, short talks with them
Keep it light, and choose informal times to talk, such as during dinner, while driving, or while taking a walk
Make your expectations clear
Make sure they know you are always available to talk
Issues they face regarding drug use will change as they grow and get older. Make sure to keep the conversations going.
Form an exit plan with your children for if they are ever offered cannabis. It’s important to decide how they will act when they are faced with peer pressure and that they feel equipped to handle it. A plan could be as simple as texting a code word to a family member when they need to get out of a social situation.