The Hub: Òganizasyon Aksyon pou Sante Konpòtman pou Sidwès CT
Yon divizyon Patenarya Aksyon Sosyal Rejyonal Jèn Adilt (RYASAP)
Nou louvri pou biznis!
Enfòmasyon sou Alkòl
(1) Malgre ke pwoblèm jwèt aza pa rekonèt epi dejwe jwèt aza se yon maladi ki fèk rekonèt, anviwon 2% moun ap gen yon twoub jwèt aza pandan lavi yo.
(2) K ap viv nan 40-50 mil nan yon kazino ogmante chans ou genyen pou devlope yon pwoblèm jwèt aza.
(3) Pami diferan kalite dejwe, jwèt aza asosye ak to swisid ki pi wo a.
(4) Connecticut ap konsidere nouvo kazino, parayj espò sou entènèt, ak plis fason pou ogmante aksè nan parayj, sa ki fè konsyantizasyon ak prevansyon enpòtan.
Tcheke pwofil rejyonal 2019 nou an sou pwoblèm jwèt aza nan Sidwès CT.
Pou rantre nan Ekip Sensibilizasyon Jwèt aza Rejyonal Sidwès la, ki rankontre chak trimès, genyen Ingrid nan
Gambling Awareness Team
The Region 1 Gambling Awareness Team consists of community stakeholders working toward raising awareness and developing prevention and treatment capacity in the region. We host gambling awareness trainings and webinars. The team meets quarterly to review gambling trends, needs, gaps and access to treatment.
They meet the 2nd Tuesday starting in October from 2:30 - 4:00 PM
October 10th, 2023, Teams Meeting
January 9th, 2024, Teams Meeting
March no meeting to celebrate PGAM
April 9th, 2024, Teams Meeting
June 11th, 2024, In person at The Burroughs Community Center
RSVP to Dena Miccinello by emailing for meeting link and with any questions or comments. Meetings are open to all.
Enfòmasyon sou Alkòl
Click here to access the
National Council on
Problem Gambling toolkit

Having an event? You can request a free resource van. Fill out the request form at
Enfòmasyon sou Alkòl
Below are some fact sheets from Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling (CCPG). You can find a wealth of additional information and resources for treatment and support on their website,
Enfòmasyon sou Alkòl
These PSAs were created by the Gambling Leadership Program through Bridgeport Caribe Youth Leaders. The program offers the opportunity for high school students to learn the impact gambling can have on an adolescent and his or her family.
Done 2019
Rapò 2019 nan Sondaj Siveyans Faktè Risk Konpòtman CT a
Septanm 2019 Pew Research rapò sou vaping pa laj ak atitid ak kwayans
CT 2019 Epidemyoloji rezime pwofil yo
Done ki soti nan sondaj DataHaven 2018 pou yo Greater Bridgeport , Greater Greenwich , Greater Norwalk , Greater Stamford zòn yo
Rezilta nan Sondaj 2018 sou Preparasyon Kominotè nan tout eta a, ki te konpile pa Sant CT pou Evalyasyon Prevansyon ak Estatistik.
Rapò anyèl 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) isit la
Enfòmasyon sou Alkòl
You can also text "CTGAMB" to 53342
Treatment Providers in Our Region
Support & Quitting Resources