The Hub: Òganizasyon Aksyon pou Sante Konpòtman pou Sidwès CT
Yon divizyon Patenarya Aksyon Sosyal Rejyonal Jèn Adilt (RYASAP)
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Nou se Òganizasyon Rejyonal Aksyon pou Sante Konpòtman (RBHAO) ki deziyen Eta a k ap sèvi Sidwès Connecticut. Nou se yon resous rejyonal ki sipòte ak kowòdone sante mantal, konsyantizasyon swisid, prevansyon itilizasyon sibstans ak efò jwèt aza pwoblèm nan 14 kominote yo soti nan Greenwich jiska Greater Bridgeport epi sèvi kòm lyezon ant rejyon an ak eta. Nou sipòte Konsèy Prevansyon Lokal yo nan chak vil pou anpeche itilizasyon sibstans ak ankouraje sante mantal, epi nou rasanble konsomatè yo ak founisè yo ansanm atravè Konsèy Zòn Kapital nou yo pou idantifye bezwen ak rekòmandasyon nan sistèm tretman ak rekiperasyon yo.
Hub la se yon pwogram Patenarya Aksyon Sosyal Rejyonal Jèn-Adult ( RYASAP ).
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Giovanna Mozzo, MSW
Giovanna se yon travayè sosyal ak pwofesyonèl prevansyon move itilizasyon sibstans ki te nan domèn prevansyon pou 5 dènye ane yo. Li gen 20 ane eksperyans nan travay sosyal, ki gen ladan 7 ane ak DSS ak 6 ane ane nan Chapel Haven. Pandan 2 dènye ane yo, li te sèvi kòm yon pwofesè adjwen pou Western CT State University; kote li te anseye nan Pwogram Travay Sosyal ak nan Housatonic Community College pou anseye yon kou Etik pou pwogram Sèvis Imen. Li se tou yon sipèvizè jaden pou pwogram WCSU bakaloreya ak Mèt Sacred Heart nan pwogram Travay Sosyal. Giovanna se yon antrenè prevansyon swisid nan safeTALK, Talk Saves Lives, and Question Persuade and Refer (QPR). Osi byen ke yon A-SBIRT ak Narcan antrenè. Ak deja gen yon plak plen nan travay ak lakay li jwenn tan pou travay pou Living Waters Therapy Services kòm yon Terapis. Li gen yon MSW ki soti nan Fordham University, yon BSW ki soti nan SCSU, epi li pale Italyen.
Kontakte Giovanna nan:

Kaitlin Comet, MA
Manm Kò Prevansyon
Kaitlin te kòmanse nan The Hub kòm yon manm AmeriCorps Prevention Corps k ap travay sou solisyon ki konsantre sou kominote a nan edikasyon opioid, konsyantizasyon, ak rediksyon stigma. Apre li te fin fè yon ane sèvis li, yo te envite l pou l kontinye travay ak The Hub kòm Koòdonatè Pwogram. Li se yon antrenè Narcan epi li òganize fòmasyon pou manm kominote yo ak òganizasyon yo. Li òganize tou yon varyete evènman sante mantal pou ogmante konsyantizasyon ak edikasyon. Li te patisipe nan plizyè komite sante mantal ak prevansyon atravè eta a epi li te Manadjè Pwojè ak yon Panelist pou Somè Sante Mantal & Byennèt Kominotè Stamford. Antanke Koòdonatè Pwogram nan, li dirije Catchment Area Councils (CAC) nan SW CT. Kaitlin te gradye nan pwogram bakaloreya ak metriz sikoloji legal nan John Jay College of Criminal Justice nan vil Nouyòk. Pandan tan li nan pwogram doub la, li espesyalize nan travay ak viktim vyolans entèpèsonèl, li te fè entène nan Enstiti Sikoterapi kontanporen, epi li te sèvi kòm volontè kòm yon asistan rechèch nan Depatman Sikoloji Forensic. Apre li gradye, li te kontinye pozisyon li kòm Koòdonatè Konsèy Kanmarad nan pwogram estaj John Jay nan Peer Counseling kote li te sipèvize yon ekip etidyan bakaloreya nan kontak sante mantal, evènman, ak sesyon sipò elèv yo. Kounye a li anseye plizyè kou kòm yon Konferansye adjwen nan Depatman Konsèy ak Sèvis Imen nan John Jay. Li patisipe nan Komite Anti-Rasis Depatman an pou devlope yon kourikoulòm enklizif, ak Komite Zòn Sekirite pou bay fòmasyon pou defann ak sansibilize moun LGBTQIA+ yo. Kaitlin te travay tou ak jèn ak jèn adilt yo atravè Pwogram Travay Ete pou Jèn (SYEP) nan vil Nouyòk, pou anseye elèv lekòl segondè yo sou Sante Mantal ak Byennèt. Travay li se kondwi pa eksperyans pèsonèl li, ak pasyon pou sante mantal ak prevansyon. Chak fwa li gen tan lib, Kaitlin renmen eksplore kominote li yo epi li se yon gwo manje.

Dena Miccinello (She, Her, Hers)
Program Manager
Dena grew up in Connecticut, she has a degree in Public Health from SCSU and has nearly 7 years of experience in the prevention field. She served in the AmeriCorps program, Prevention Corps with TPAUD, Trumbull’s Prevention Partnership, focusing on the opioid epidemic and spent time working in lead poisoning prevention for The Naugatuck Valley Health District. She was awarded the RYASAP Above & Beyond Award in 2018, is a board member of the Connecticut Public Health Association's Health Education Committee and a board member for CAPP, The Connecticut Association Of Prevention Professionals. Most recently, Dena was the Prevention Coordinator at DMLWC, The Durham Middlefield Local Wellness Coalition, for 4 years, focusing on substance use prevention. Dena was a lifeguard and aquatics director for over 10 years; this is where her passion of helping others started. Prevention is the way she now helps community members live a safe and healthy life. In her free time, she enjoys baking sourdough bread, trying new restaurants, and spending time with her loved ones.
Contact Dena at:

Kiersten Naumann (She, Her, Hers)
Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative
Kiersten earned her Masters of Public Administration in Health Policy & Management from New York University’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. After graduation, she worked for the Deafness Research Foundation’s National Campaign for Hearing Health, as Director of Development & Media Relations, in Washington, DC. After returning to Connecticut, she worked as the Development Director at Mercy Learning Center in Bridgeport, and then as a Substitute Teacher for the Milford Public Schools. Since 2017, she has been the Program Coordinator for TPAUD, Trumbull’s Prevention Partnership. Kiersten is Treasurer of the Connecticut Association of Prevention Professionals (CAPP), as well as Co-Chair of CT SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana).
In her free time, Kiersten enjoys reading, kayaking and paddleboarding. She and her husband, Peter, live in Milford with their two sons (Connor, 20 and Reed, 17), and two very spoiled and well-loved cats.
Contact Kiersten at

Victoria O'Neill
Koòdonatè Pwogram
Lè li te fini yon manda sèvis AmeriCorps nan The Hub, yo te pote Victoria O'Neill (li/li) nan ekip la pou aji kòm yon Koòdonatè Pwogram. Anpil nan travay Victoria a konsantre sou prevansyon swisid ak apre prevansyon ak travay pou diminye stigma ki antoure sijè a. Apre li te fin fè yon diplòm lisans nan Sosyoloji ak yon konsantrasyon nan Sèvis Sosyal ak yon minè nan Etid Sèks nan Quinnipiac University, Victoria te kontinye etidye Travay Sosyal nan Fordham University. Victoria se kounye a nan premye ane li nan pwogram Mèt li isit la epi li espere kontinye travay li bay pouvwa ak edike moun ki gen maladi itilizasyon sibstans ak dyagnostik sante mantal. Li pasyone sou pwoblèm ki antoure jistis sosyal, ekonomik ak rasyal epi li konbat pwoblèm stigmatizasyon alantou popilasyon vilnerab yo.
Kontakte Victoria:

Melissa Perez-Constantine, LMSW (She, Her, Hers)
Program Coordinator
Leads Local Prevention Councils (LPCS) in the 14 towns in SWCT and focuses on efforts around vaping and tobacco/nicotine prevention.
Melissa began her professional career with AmeriCorps JumpStart, where she dedicated herself to enhancing kindergarten readiness by reducing the student-to-teacher ratio to a 3:1 in every Jumpstart classroom. She holds a degree in Sociology with a minor in Psychology from Central Connecticut State University, where her passion for social work and community organizing was first ignited.
During her academic journey, Melissa worked for Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich, where she provided intensive case management and trauma-informed care to victims of crimes in the State of Connecticut, fostering her growth into the role of Intensive Case Management Supervisor.
Melissa furthered her education by earning a master's degree from the University of Connecticut School of Social Work, specializing in Policy Practice. There, she played a pivotal role in the CT Coalition to End Homelessness, working closely with housing advocates in Middletown, Meriden, Wallingford, and Litchfield County. Together, they pursued policy changes at both the local and state levels, with a mission to reduce family homelessness by 2020. Melissa excelled in organizing and executing subcommittee goals and action steps, including outreach objectives.
Continuing her focus on policy practice, Melissa collaborated with the Connecticut Sentencing Commission. In this role, she supported the Executive Director in examining the existing criminal sentencing structure in the state, proposing changes, and analyzing criminal justice legislation and sentencing policies and practices.
Recognizing the challenges posed by the school-to-prison pipeline, Melissa transitioned into the field of education, joining RYASAP SEL Community Schools. Here, she offered guidance and technical assistance in implementing and continually improving Social-Emotional Learning across the district and community.
Contact Melissa at:

Jacqueline M. Calayag (She, Her, Hers)
Program Coordinator Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative
Jacqueline M. Calayag joined the Hub in late February as a Program Coordinator focusing on the Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative.
She has a B.A. in East Asian Studies from Wesleyan University in Connecticut and earned her Master of Science from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in New York.
After working 25 years as a television news producer and entertainment reporter in the U.S. and Japan, Jacqueline put her career on hold to support a family member through his struggle with substance use disorder and other behavioral health issues. He is now more than five years sober and substance free.
The shared experience inspired Jacqueline to pursue a career in service to people in recovery as well as to their families — helping others as she and her family were helped. She most recently worked as a Family Recovery Coach at a treatment center in Bridgeport.
Jacqueline continues to draw on her media experience to produce several large annual recovery events in Fairfield County, including the New Canaan Addiction Awareness Vigil as well as Celebrate Recovery.
This journey has shown her how rebuilding and reconnecting are essential steps on any path to recovery and how stigma, misinformation and lack of accessible resources create unnecessary barriers to recovery. Jacqueline hopes to help recoverees, families and communities find some measure of understanding, comfort, and support.

Victoria O'Neill
Koòdonatè Pwogram
Lè li te fini yon manda sèvis AmeriCorps nan The Hub, yo te pote Victoria O'Neill (li/li) nan ekip la pou aji kòm yon Koòdonatè Pwogram. Anpil nan travay Victoria a konsantre sou prevansyon swisid ak apre prevansyon ak travay pou diminye stigma ki antoure sijè a. Apre li te fin fè yon diplòm lisans nan Sosyoloji ak yon konsantrasyon nan Sèvis Sosyal ak yon minè nan Etid Sèks nan Quinnipiac University, Victoria te kontinye etidye Travay Sosyal nan Fordham University. Victoria se kounye a nan premye ane li nan pwogram Mèt li isit la epi li espere kontinye travay li bay pouvwa ak edike moun ki gen maladi itilizasyon sibstans ak dyagnostik sante mantal. Li pasyone sou pwoblèm ki antoure jistis sosyal, ekonomik ak rasyal epi li konbat pwoblèm stigmatizasyon alantou popilasyon vilnerab yo.
Kontakte Victoria:

Victoria O'Neill
Koòdonatè Pwogram
Lè li te fini yon manda sèvis AmeriCorps nan The Hub, yo te pote Victoria O'Neill (li/li) nan ekip la pou aji kòm yon Koòdonatè Pwogram. Anpil nan travay Victoria a konsantre sou prevansyon swisid ak apre prevansyon ak travay pou diminye stigma ki antoure sijè a. Apre li te fin fè yon diplòm lisans nan Sosyoloji ak yon konsantrasyon nan Sèvis Sosyal ak yon minè nan Etid Sèks nan Quinnipiac University, Victoria te kontinye etidye Travay Sosyal nan Fordham University. Victoria se kounye a nan premye ane li nan pwogram Mèt li isit la epi li espere kontinye travay li bay pouvwa ak edike moun ki gen maladi itilizasyon sibstans ak dyagnostik sante mantal. Li pasyone sou pwoblèm ki antoure jistis sosyal, ekonomik ak rasyal epi li konbat pwoblèm stigmatizasyon alantou popilasyon vilnerab yo.
Kontakte Victoria:

Alexa (She, Her, Hers)
Prevention Core Member
Alexa has been reading, creating, daydreaming, and chasing dogs in Connecticut for most of her life. A graduate of Stony Brook University’s School of Journalism, she quickly learned the hard-hitting life of a reporter was not for her. She’s spent the last 9 years as a saleswoman, social media marketer, content creator, energy healer, virtual assistant, and somehow, insurance broker, before joining PreventionCorps. She is a student of Post University’s Master’s in Counseling and Human Services program. When she’s not working, you can find her obsessing over her fur babies, Java (the snuggly pit bull), Merlin (the high-maintenance beagle), and Bucky (the adorable rabbit). She loves listening to her partner James theorize about all things Marvel comics, and loves the thrill of a midnight premier. You can also find her dancing (16 years and counting!), running (blame quarantine), devouring either fantasy or personal development books, or binging bad TV.

Chessie is a rescue Tri-paw who has been with The Hub for almost three years! She’s loves walks, peanut butter, swimming, and squeaky toys, among many other things. She's a top notch cuddler but can be a little stingy with kisses. It’s sometimes tricky for Chessie to fetch and listen when there are distractions around, but she’s an expert at winning people’s hearts with her puppy dog eyes. Chessie is a proud graduate of the Petco obedience school, class of 2022. Chessie’s work is focused on supervising her colleagues and ensuring a positive and efficient work environment.