The Hub: Organisation d'action de santé comportementale pour le sud-ouest du CT
Une division du Partenariat Régional d'Action Sociale Jeunes Adultes (RYASAP)
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Suicide Prevention
You Are Not Alone! Help is Available 24/7. In Connecticut, call or text 988 or chat online.
Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in Connecticut and the
2nd leading cause of death for ages 10-34 in the state.
Every person can save a life. Learn how.
No matter which number you call, help is available.
Text HELLO to 741741

Know the Warning Signs & What to Do
If you believe someone is in immediate danger or harming themselves or others, call 911.
If you are concerned someone may be suicidal, #BeThe1To:
ASK: “Are you thinking about killing yourself?” It’s not an easy question but studies show that asking at-risk individuals if they are suicidal does not increase suicides or suicidal thoughts.
KEEP THEM SAFE: Reducing a suicidal person’s access to highly lethal items or places is an important part of suicide prevention. While this is not always easy, asking if the at-risk person has a plan and removing or disabling the lethal means can make a difference.
BE THERE: Listen carefully and learn what the individual is thinking and feeling. Research suggests acknowledging and talking about suicide may in fact reduce rather than increase suicidal thoughts.
HELP THEM CONNECT: Save the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline number (call or text 988) and the Crisis Text Line number (741741) in your phone so they’re there if you need them. You can also help make a connection with a trusted individual like a family member, friend, spiritual advisor, or mental health professional.
STAY CONNECTED: Staying in touch after a crisis or after being discharged from care can make a difference. Studies have shown the number of suicide deaths goes down when someone follows up with the at-risk person.
Source: NIMH
Regional Peer Run Support Group:
Alternatives to Suicide
Weekly on Tuesdays at 7 PM
In Person (Westport) and Weekly Vitual Group on Fridays at 7 PM
To join an online group or learn about CT's emerging network, visit and

Twice a month, The Hub offers Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) training. In this 1.5 hour virtual suicide gatekeeping training, you will learn how to get help for yourself, learn more about preventing suicide, common causes of suicidal behavior, warning signs of suicide and how to get help for someone in crisis. If you would like to arrange for a QPR training at your business, email us to schedule.
Learn more about other types of trainings available.
Prevention Resources
Downloadable Prevention Resources:
#RealConvo guides from American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Infographic prepared for CT Prevention Week 2020
Addressing a Crisis: Cross-Sector Strategies to Prevent Adolescent Substance Use and Suicide Report (10/2019)
Preventing Suicide: A Technical Package of Policy, Programs, and Practices
Treatment for Suicidal Ideation, Self-harm, and Suicide Attempts Among Youth
Universal Suicide Risk Screening: a strategy to save children’s lives
Types of Training
Question Persuade Refer (QPR): 1.5-2 hour training aimed at the general public. It provides information about signs & symptoms, a 3-step first aid plan, and information about where and how to refer people for help
safeTALK is a 3 hour training appropriate for the general public
Talk Saves Lives is a 30 to 60 minute slideshow for the general public
ASIST is an intensive 2-day suicide intervention training with lots of role play
There are also specific trainings for schools (Signs of Suicide, More Than Sad...)
Gizmo's Pawesome Guide takes an upstream approach to support the mental health and wellness of youth. It is data-driven and evidence-informed. The Guide seeks to introduce mental health and wellness, and how to care for one’s mental health in a nonthreatening way that encourages the self-identification of warning signs and when to apply the use of internal and external healthy coping strategies to help reduce risk. It introduces the characteristics of trusted adults, who may be one, how to practice talking with a trusted adult, and promotes proactive communication. It gives youth the opportunity to create a personal mental health plan (of action) that they can use daily, and in a time of need that can help them avert crisis.
The Guide was developed to respond to a critical youth suicide prevention and mental health promotion education and service gap evidenced by the CT data, and to support youth mental health literacy and social emotional learning. Learn more.

After a Suicide: Postvention Resources
Did You Know...?
For every death by suicide, there is an average of 135 lives who are impacted by the death.

CT Suicide Advisory Board: Comprehensive set of resources for schools, communities, media, memorialization, etc. from the here
American Association of Suicidology: Suicide & Social Media: a Tip sheet for Parents & Providers
American Psychiatric Association: Suicide Coping Tips for grieving adults, children & schools
Higher Education Mental Health Alliance : A Postvention Guide for Suicide on College Campuses from the
Headspace: Postvention toolkit for schools
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention resources & support
10 Ways to Support a Loved One Who Has Lost Someone to Suicide
TriCircle: Bereavement, Grief, & Loss resources
Adam's House: Grief Support for Connecticut's Children
The National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) offers 24/7 call, text and chat access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing suicidal, substance use, and/or mental health crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress. People can also dial 988 if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support.

Suicide affects all ages from young children to senior citizens. It is most common among middle aged men.
Suicide remains a rare event, but it is increasing. In CT, almost 14% of high schoolers consider suicide each year and 8% make an attempt. In some communities, the rate is even higher in middle schools.
Suicide is usually related to depression or another mental illness, but up to half of people who could use counseling do not seek help.
Suicide represents an individual's sense of hopelessness in the face of their problems. By reaching out and offering hope, we all have the opportunity to save a life. Take a QPR or other suicide prevention training!
Regional Suicide Advisory Board
Our Southwest CT Regional Suicide Advisory Board (SW RSAB) was launched in September 2019 and meets quarterly. Its purpose is "To serve as a regional resource for Southwestern CT for strategically planning, coordinating and supporting suicide awareness and safety efforts across the continuum of prevention, intervention, postvention and grief support, and recovery.”
The group is open to anyone interested in making an impact on suicide in the region. Members include individuals who have attempted suicide or experienced suicide loss, therapists, support group leaders, municipal social services and health staff, school personnel, first responders, and others. To join, please email
Find meeting minutes and agendas under the Southwestern RSAB tab on this page.